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Where do i start?

profile avatar Orion
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Orion Posted 1573459132 (5462 views)
So i have been wanting to learn PHP and JS for quite some time but i just dont know where to start, what to start with, where to learn it

I have no idea what i need to start learning with, JS or PHP
if someone could help me and tell me where i can learn both or even just one thatd be gamer time

Thank you!
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profile avatar Jenny Fer
⚗️ Support
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Jenny Fer Posted 1573473698
Hello Sithsquid, 🙂 I have not yet written the tips(like the links) and guidelines to have on this category. I hope some cool people will have time to answer you.

I don't recommend starting both at the same time. 😊 At my work we use javascript on the client side and php on the server side. So start with the language that has an environment that is accessible to you.

I would pinpoint the article that is really useful.

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